The use of the stage LED display taboo

In the previous stage performances, the functions of LEDs were relatively simple, mainly to display video data and synchronized video images. In the stage performances at the time, the stage workers did not include it in the scope of the dance, but regarded it as a big TV on the stage. Nowadays, as an extension and supplement of the stage performance, LED enriches the content of the performance and provides the audience with information beyond the performance itself. At the same time, the audience gets rid of a single, fixed perspective through the LED large screen, and can even see their own reactions, which also creates a certain sense of freshness in the visual.

Stage LED large-screen stage LED large screen can divide a picture into multiple video screens, the display can be independent, combined, any combination to play the relevant large background, large screen can be displayed according to the performance requirements, and can be realized The superimposition of the text, the background picture is played by the video signal processor or synthesized on the same screen display, the character can be played in close-up, the text can be scrolled, or the video can be played, the video screen can be horizontally moved, and the text can be raised and lowered to become text and personality. Video screen, lighting, beautifying the stage background and stage ground, through software design and system control to meet other requirements and advantages of the owner, can be frame structure design, easy to disassemble, reliable, easy to maintain applications and large entertainment venues and large Event occasions. However, convenient technical means does not really mean high efficiency. The comprehensive utilization of high-tech means on the stage does not represent a real improvement in the level of stage performance. Let's talk about the use of LED screens on the stage.

Just look at the whole, regardless of the local LED screen

At the same time as many large-scale evening parties are being held on-site, most of them will raise the demand for live broadcast through TV. At this time, the creation team of the party should not only consider the effect of the live performance of the party, but also the characteristics of the communication of the TV. In the traditional dance production, TV camera personnel can find the background image of the subject by using the background with low brightness or the background with large color difference in the background video to realize the unique TV picture art effect, but it is used in a large number of LED screens. Today, if you do not consider the needs of the TV lens at the beginning of the design, the final picture will lack a three-dimensional sense. The main body and the background will be easy to fit and overlap, and the effect of TV transmission will be greatly reduced. The basic components of a TV screen are shots of different scenes. In simple terms, it is a panoramic view, a medium shot, and a close-up. The live performances are more of a "panoramic" effect. Many creative teams often only consider the “big effect” of the panorama when they are making the dance design. They don’t think about the medium scene, especially the close-up, that is needed when the TV is transmitted.

Abuse of live view stage LED display

The continuous upgrading of manufacturing technology has made many production teams and organizers love the characteristics of the screen “HD”. In the process of creation, it is easy to enter the misunderstanding of “because of small loss”. In order to reflect the characteristics of the high-definition screen as much as possible, the producer is often keen to play a special live video on the live video wall as a background dance. For example, in the song and dance program, a large number of urban landscape pictures and human life pictures are played, and it is intended to achieve a combination of program art interpretation and screen reality presentation, but the result is counterproductive. The stage show performance pursues a high sense of form, with color, light, and formation as the longest, and most of the live-action videos are too rich in color, which will be used as the main background of the stage, but will be interpreted in the form of the stage program. It brings great damage, and the audience has a sense of clutter that “can’t see” and “do not know where to look”. The original design used to enhance the effect of the program has a huge impact on the audience’s viewing. The basic principle of the beauty of the design and production of the program.

Abuse LED screens and destroy lighting effects

The gradual reduction of the production cost of LED screens has led many creators to blindly pursue the concept of “panoramic video beauty”. In the beauty design, LED screens are used in large quantities, and even more, all the dance scenes are replaced by LEDs. However, many creators have neglected the reality that LED screens are easy to bring great light pollution to the stage. When the stage is finished designing and performing overall lighting synthesis, it has been regretted. In the overall design of the program, the lighting plays a huge role, it can make the whole stage a magical sense of space and layering, making the overall visual presentation more interesting and interesting. In the traditional stage dance beauty design, the only light source is the lighting system. The director, the lighting engineer and the dancers can work together to create a unique stage space.

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